Orthosiphon Java Tea

Also known as Java tea, the Ortosifón infusion is characterized by its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Try it now with delicious top-quality Sencha green tea that, combined with the flavor of pineapple, softens that strong touch of orthosiphon.

Ability: 100 gr.

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    • Sencha Green Tea
    • pineapple
    • mate
    • horsetail
    • orthosiphon
    • bean pods and natural aroma.
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    Productos certificados, Orgánicos y Naturales

    Orthosiphon Java Tea

    Orthosiphon Java Tea


    Orthosiphon Java Tea

    Ability: 100 gr.

    Also known as Java tea, the Ortosifón infusion is characterized by its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties. Try it now with delicious top-quality Sencha green tea that, combined with the flavor of pineapple, softens that strong touch of orthosiphon.

    Originally from Asia and Australia , Orthosiphon has been used as an Ayurvedic remedy in traditional medicine in some South Asian countries. Nowadays and due to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties , it is associated with weight loss, but it provides many more benefits to our body.

    On the one hand and as I said, it is a powerful natural diuretic, which makes it excellent for eliminating toxins that accumulate in the body and facilitates the work carried out by the kidneys . This being the case and in order to enhance this effect, there are people who take an infusion of Ortosifón on an empty stomach.

    In any case, what is recommended is to drink between 1 and 2 cups of this infusion a day if we want to notice its effects, as long as we accompany them with a healthy life, which includes a balanced diet and exercise.

    And if we add to the main effects of orthosiphon those of green tea and pineapple , which also subtract that bitter touch that characterizes the flavor of this plant, the result in flavor and benefits is round.

    Finally, it should be noted that thanks to this tea and as long as you take care of yourself, of course, you will be able to reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in your blood , thus improving your cardiovascular health.

    So now you know, if you want to enjoy a delicious green tea infusion with this medicinal plant, you just have to add it to your order and in 24-48 you will receive it at your home. Take care and enjoy!

    Elige tu ingrediente favorito Jewish
    Tiempo de infusión 2 to 3 min.
    Ingredientes Sencha Green Tea, pineapple, mate, horsetail, orthosiphon, bean pods and natural aroma.
    Cantidad 1 Small Tablespoon
    Temperatura 75ºC
    Gluten Without gluten
    Productor Aromas de Té SL Calle San Quintín, 6 45100 Sonseca (Toledo) - B45853447
    Registro sanitario RS 25.003070/TO
    Conservación Store in a cool, dry place
    Procedencia European Union
    Energía 0.2 kcal/ 2kJ
    Grasas Less than 0.5g
    Grasas saturadas Less than 0.1g
    Hidratos de carbono Less than 0.5g
    Azúcares Less than 0.1 gr.
    Proteínas Less than 0.5g
    Sales minerales Less than 0.001g
    Valor nutricional Values ​​expressed per cup