The digestive system is one that human beings suffer the most from since they came into the world. Therefore, consuming products that help us improve its transit is always recommended for human health if we want to avoid major diseases. And there is nothing better than doing so using natural products, such as our teas and infusions. For this reason, at Aromas de Të we have a section especially dedicated to this section: digestive infusions that you can take at any time of the day and that, as they do not contain theine and unless medically indicated, can be consumed by all members of the family, especially if they contain rooibos tea , as this organically produced ginger and lemon infusion does.
And rooibos tea is loaded with vitamins and minerals that our body needs daily and, in addition, nutrition experts also recommend taking it for nursing mothers to reduce the colic that their babies may have and for which they suffer so much. An infusion, this one that we present here, which is characterized by having an acidic and citric touch given by lemon and ginger, which share prominence in flavor and aroma with licorice, which softens it, in addition to giving it a very fresh air. , so it can be taken both hot and cold.
On the other hand, it is an infusion that is highly recommended to reduce the symptoms of colds, allowing the airways to open, thanks mainly to peppermint and licorice, as well as reducing possible sore throats and improving our defenses.
Diarrhea or vomiting also has a solution with this delicious infusion, especially thanks to pink pepper, whose main property is precisely that. For its part, black pepper helps eliminate fat and reduce fluid retention through sweat or urine.
Lemon peel, for its part, has numerous properties, such as digestive, improving our immune system, helping to eliminate toxins from our body or combating abdominal bloating.
But these are just some of the properties and benefits that drinking 2 to 3 infusions a day of this delicious infusion can give you. What are you waiting for to know the rest?