Turmeric and Ginger Infusion Relax Eco

Ideal para relajarse tras una dura jornada o, simplemente, para disfrutarla bien caliente en cualquier momento del día en el que deseemos darnos un capricho.

certificado ecologico

Ability: 100 gr.
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    • Turmeric pieces (45%)
    • ginger pieces
    • anise
    • cocoa shell
    • cinnamon pieces
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    Productos certificados, Orgánicos y Naturales

    Turmeric and Ginger Infusion Relax Eco

    Turmeric and Ginger Infusion Relax Eco


    Turmeric and Ginger Infusion Relax Eco

    Ability: 100 gr.

    Ideal for relaxing after a hard day or simply to enjoy it piping hot at any time of the day when we want to treat ourselves.

    certificado ecologico

    Surely it happens to you too sometimes: you come home after a hard day at work, in which both professional and personal things have gone awry and it seems that nothing has been on your side. What do you most want when you get home? Relax!

    This infusion has been specially designed with those days in mind. Because? Because thanks to the combination of foods with which it is made, it will relax you, on the one hand, but it will also reduce your possible headache or heartburn, without forgetting that it will improve your mood, helping you fall asleep. One of the perfect relaxing infusions for sleeping .

    And those days when the cold doesn't even let you rest? They are horrible, right? Snot, you can barely breathe...for those cases, this infusion will also work great for you. But also to prevent them, so you can incorporate it into your list of infusions to take before bed and thus improve the state of your defenses.

    Elige tu ingrediente favorito Cocoa
    Tiempo de infusión 5 to 8 min.
    Ingredientes Turmeric pieces (45%), ginger pieces, anise, cocoa shell, cinnamon pieces
    Cantidad 1 Tablespoon of Coffee
    Temperatura 100ºC
    Gluten Without gluten
    Productor Aromas de Té SL Calle San Quintín, 6 45100 Sonseca (Toledo) - B45853447
    Registro sanitario RS 25.003070/TO
    Conservación Store in a cool, dry place
    Procedencia European Union
    Energía 0.2 kcal/ 2kJ
    Grasas Less than 0.5g
    Grasas saturadas Less than 0.1g
    Hidratos de carbono Less than 0.5g
    Azúcares Less than 0.1 gr.
    Proteínas Less than 0.5g
    Sales minerales Less than 0.001g
    Valor nutricional Values ​​expressed per cup